Friday, July 17, 2009


Today, I was telling my daughter T that she should keep her things safe. I said "I mean it!" to her, and for better emphasis, I repeated it, " I MEAN IT!"

She said, "Ok, Ok, I got it. You mean it. Yes, you mean it...You boil it."
This was said in all seriousness but it DID make me giggle.

WHAT was that?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ummon's Tag

June 24th 2009
Below is a list of questions you pose to your child. Mine is almost 5 (one week to go) and has many a quirk already, as well as a great sense of sarcasm / 'nakkal'.

I decided to do it. Might be interesting, I thought.

Tsu: T, will you answer some questions?
T: Yes

Tsu: Now?
T: Mmm. (meaning ‘yes’) Mmmm! What?

Here goes the dialogue…
Tsu: What is something I always say to you?
T: I don’t know…what…?? Oh, yeah…”Did you go moocha in school?”

Tsu: What makes me happy?
T: To konjify you.

Tsu: What makes me sad?
T: When I am behaving badly…no, when I am thittifying you (scolding you)…
Then? Ask another question!
Mutters…’Adhey adhey sabapadhey…’

Tsu: How do I make you laugh?
T: By not thittufying…and by konjifying, no? ya? Aama? (Yes?)

Tsu: What do you think I was like as a child?
T: You will sleep with your mouth open.
(I could not stop laughing, so I asked her the question again)
T: You would have been like Jasmine.

Tsu: Who is Jasmine?
T: Princess

Tsu: How old am I?
T: 29, no 34, no 24..? No, 24 AND 34.

Tsu: How tall am I?
T: Tall like this – ivalo tall (So tall) – She gestures to my head.

Tsu: What is my favourite thing to do?
T: Computer, playing computer games.
(Hmph I do not, but the computer is my fav thing alright)

Tsu: What do I do when you’re not around?
T: Cry…you will be sad (acts it out)
Asked her again…
T: At the computer, no? no? no?
Now, are you going to switch on the TV or not?

Tsu: If I become famous, what will it be for?
T (sarcily): ‘Tupu’. Then, “Famous means what?”

Tsu: Everybody will know me
T: I will be happy.
T: Yey, will you put on the TV or not? And giggles… (I do too)
T: You will be famous for talk on the phone, no?

Tsu: What am I really good at?
T: Giving food for children, putting the TV on when I ask... Now, I will ask YOU some questions…you reply!
Totally rolling with laughter, I again ask:

T answers: Dancing Bharatnatyam
She is messing with the mouse

Tsu: What am I not really good at?
T: If anyone says ‘you sing me one song’, then you will not sing. If someone asks you to dance, you will not dance…that only.

Tsu: What is my job?
T: To do this computer. No? ah? Eh? Aamadhaane? No? Now, I will ask some questions…

Tsu: What is my favourite food?
T: Idli. No? no? aama dhaanney? (Isn't it so?)
Because I always suggest it to her at restaurants…for her.
Asked again:
T: Idli.

Tsu: What makes you proud of me?
T: When you put the TV on for me. (Very bored and impatient-- Does not get the word ‘proud’).

Tsu: What makes me proud of you?
T: If I wear whichever dress you want me to

Tsu: What do you and I do together?
T: I don’t know. Dance, talk…no?

Tsu: How are we the same?
T: We are not the same (flippant and dismissive)

Tsu: How are you and I different?
T: That is…I am thinking about the reply. You have no pottu, I have. You always wear churidhar, I don’t. See, now I am wearing a frock.

Tsu: How do you know that I love you?
T: I know, because you are my mother. I am thinking…Because of the sunny day.
I know. I (just) know. That is the answer.

Tsu: What is one thing you wish you could change about me?
T: You should become a good girl.
Tsu: Am I not a good girl?
Tara: You are , but you should become MORE good and also clever.
Only one more question. Tomorrow you can ask another question. One-one day one-one question only.

Tsu: What do you wish you could go and do with me?
T: I can play with you. Go to the shop and dance. (Totally flippant.) This is the last question.

Laughed too much and annoyed her throughout.

Twas great fun. Thanks umm-o.

Now, switched on Tv for her.
Am I not a good girl now...and also clever?